Getting quiet inside can improve your management

The above article was published today by Beyond Type 1. My sincere thanks to Tierra who interviewed me and Lala who edited the piece.

It captures my recent deepening of my spiritual practice, perhaps the thing keeping me most sane during these hard times, which of course for us, comes on top of managing diabetes.

You may find a few tips to help keep you managing your diabetes, and life, a little more fluidly, make the space within you more still than scattered, and be able to slide out of chaos when you need to.

Finding that quiet place inside is always restorative. Well, that, and a glass of good wine.

Funny diabetes doc, Steve Edelman, opens up

If you’ve been here a while you know I’m a big fan of Dr.s Steven Edelman and Jeremy Pettus. Through TCOYD (Dr. Edelman founded the org.), they’ve been bringing us monthly online conferences that are not only highly practical and educational, but fun. You can sign up for the TCOYD monthly newsletter, that includes online registration for events, here.

Watching the most recent conference, I was struck by Dr. Edelman’s sharing of his own complications and the worries he harbors for the future, living now with type 1 diabetes 52 years. It really touched me when this funnyman, about three quarters of the way through this video below, opened his heart to all of us.

Fiber-full and fiber-healing, it’s amazing what cauliflower can do for crackers

In full disclosure I was sent two packages of Slim and Trim Snacks Cauliflower Crackers. One as pictured above, Dill Pickle. The other their Classic version.

First, I’ll get my objection out of the way, they’re expensive. Almost $10 for a box of 6 crackers (subscriptions make them cheaper). Okay, moving on…they are delicious, nutritious and filling. The company was started by husband and wife, Jennifer and Patrick, after Patrick was hospitalized with life-threatening hypertension. Healed in part by a plant-based diet, Jennifer, a long-time vegetarian, and Patrick, a plant engineer, devoted themselves to creating healing, gut-focused foods.

The husband (mine) can’t keep his hands off them and he, being Dutch, is a connoisseur of all baked bread-like things. He readily agreed, with a mere smear of hummus, one cracker was surprisingly filling.

The crackers are hand made with minimal processing. Made strictly from plant-based ingredients – nuts, seeds, probiotics, herbs, spices and resistant starch – the owners tell me they aid in enhancing the health of one’s microbiome, promoting digestion, reducing inflammation, facilitating weight loss and increased energy, and reducing hypertension, heart disease, and as you can guess, they are extremely diabetes friendly. The star ingredient, cauliflower, is lightly steamed and squeeze-dried.

While I don’t eat crackers often, the husband and I agree these have a uniquely satisfying texture and taste. Jennifer explains it’s from the prebiotic fiber and magnesium from the almonds.

To see more of these little dynamo’s health benefits, and/or order, take a closer look. During these last 18 months of Covid, practically all I’ve bought is socks and masks, little pick-me-ups. These too would make that list.  

How trippy seeing yourself looking back at you

My friend, who lives in Sydney, Australia, just sent me a picture of myself. Yes, that’s me on the screen in a doctor’s waiting room in New Jersey. My friend’s sister was in that waiting room and all of a sudden looked up and saw me staring back at her. The sister sent the photo to my friend, who sent it to me.

Last year in the middle of Covid here in the Northeast, I went to a studio in New Jersey where a film crew shot these two mini educational videos below. Everyone was wearing masks and face shields. It all felt like we were living on the edge, and it was deeply satisfying.

Seems only appropriate to share the videos with you in the comfort of your own home, no doctor’s waiting room necessary.

In under 3 minutes – Thriving with Diabetes

In under 3 minutes – Advocating for Yourself

TCOYD tops up your education on diabetes care

The boys are back at it – Dr.s Stephen Edelman and Jeremy Pittus, my favorite long-distance endos. In show-stopping theatre they make diabetes education fun. Yes, you read that right, fun.

Tune in for a morning (West Coast time) or afternoon (East Coast time) of back-to-school learning, as they coyly put it, to sharpen your knowledge and your A1C.

The date is August 7th. You can read more and register, FOR FREE, here.