IDF releases new diabetes facts this World Diabetes Day



Brussels November 14, 2012: The global diabetes organization, International Diabetes Federation (IDF), today released the latest statistics on diabetes, including:

• Global diabetes increased from 366 million last year to 371 million this year

• 187 million people have undiagnosed diabetes

• This year 4.8 million people will have died from diabetes-related complications. Half these deaths will be in people younger than 60.

• 471 billion US dollars were spent on diabetes this year, an increase of 6 billion dollars from last year

• North America spends more healthcare dollars on diabetes than any other nation

The IDF continues to urge governments and non-governmental organizations to develop policies that will help prevent and improve treatment and care. 

Ann Keeling, IDF CEO says, “Millions of people are dying from diabetes in their most productive years…the stability of societies is threatened and huge economic and political burdens are imposed on countries and communities. However this disease remains marginalized on the global health and development agenda and vastly under-resourced.”

Today, World Diabetes Day, diabetes organizations will be promoting their awareness efforts and you’ll probably see the under-used universal symbol for diabetes, the Blue Circle. 

Didn’t know there was a universal symbol for diabetes? See my latestHuffington Post article about why US organizations barely use it.  

For more information on the 2012’s diabetes stats, go to the IDF’s Atlas.  


A rebuttal to the news that genes are not responsible for diabetes

I reported here that ran a story that genes are not responsible for type 2 diabetes. The findings of a study revealed little evidence that inherited genes cause common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, autism, cancer, depression and dementia. As you might imagine that has created a stir and some sharp criticism. 

To share both sides of this controversial issue, here’s one expert’s rebuttal to that study from Constantin Polychronakos, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Professor, Departments of Paediatrics and Human Genetics, Director, Division of Endocrinology, McGill University Health Centre. Now that’s a lot of titles!