New education for insulin users

Insulin University Opens


Gary Scheiner, CDE, exercise physiologist, author of 4 books and a type 1 himself for over 20 years, has accomplished one of his dreams – which may also be a dream for you: an online course to achieve optimal control of your diabetes if you use insulin. This is an education you won’t find anywhere else.

Gary asked me to share this with you and I do so with pleasure:

I am proud to announce the opening of Type-1 University: the online school of higher learning for people who use insulin.

Type-1 University (T1U) features a series of courses for those using intensive insulin therapy (pumps or multiple daily injections).  Each 40-60 minute course is available live (via webex).  Pre-recorded versions will be available soon after each live program.  The courses include a powerpoint-style presentation with accompanying audio and video of the presenter, along with an opportunity to post questions. 

Current course topics include:

·                     Mastering Pump Therapy

·                     Advanced Carb Counting

·                     Blood Glucose Control During Sports & Exercise

·                     Weight Loss for Insulin Users

·                     Getting the Most from Your Continous Glucose Monitor

·                     Strike The Spike:  After-Meal Glucose Control

·                     Hypoglycemia Prevention and Management

·                     Fine-Tuning Basal Insulin

Please visit for more information or to enroll for an upcoming class.  

Thanks, and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

– Gary Scheiner MS, CDE

“Dean” of Type-1 University

Owner & Clinical Director

Integrated Diabetes Services

333 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 204

Wynnewood, PA  19096

Toll-free:  (877) 735-3648

Please tell anyone else you know whom you think might benefit. It’s a great way to begin the new year.

5 Top Diabetes Myths Debunked

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Now that the holidays are fully upon us – I know because I can’t seem to stop eating – here’s a perfect gift for yourself or a loved one with diabetes: my book, “50 Diabetes Myths That Can Ruin Your Life and the 50 Diabetes Truths That Can Save It.”

Sure I’m being self-promoting, but I wrote the book so you would benefit. Having the latest, accurate information, recommendations from top diabetes experts, tips and tools, along with my story how I’ve become successful managing my diabetes, and other patients’, is worth gold, let alone $10 in paperback on Amazon. Also available on e-readers.  

Oprah says, “You do better when you know better” and I agree. If you feel in the dark about managing your diabetes, get 5 myths debunked right now in my Huffington Post post

Then go for the whole 50. The book is easy to read and getting all the information you need through dispelling myths is a simple, memorable and fun way to start doing better. I guarantee you’re sure to find a few ahas that will make a huge difference in what you do taking care of your diabetes. Really, or I’ll eat this page.

Beeping in the Bible Belt


I knew last year when I went on a ya ya sisterhood trip through Mississippi that in much of the South life revolves around church and college football.

Two weeks ago I re-entered that world while visiting my good friend P. P lives in Dallas and is very active in local missions and her Methodist church.

She asked if I didn’t mind accompanying her to her Sunday morning bible class and the sermon that followed. I didn’t mind at all, in fact I enjoy learning about other faiths. So there I was, sitting amongst 20 women while they were discussing Jesus and the meaning of Christmas, and my blood sugar was sliding into dangerous territory. 

I unhooked my meter from my pouch as discretely as I could and discovered  I was 56 mg/dl. I slid a few glucose tablets out of their sleeve and into my mouth, hoping no one would think me impolite for not offering them around. Thirty minutes later, still in class, my heart was now fluttering and sweat was beginning to accrue on my brow. 

Still trying not to attract attention, funny to say being the lone Jew in a barrel full of Methodists, I took the last bite of a peanut butter cookie still in my coat pocket left over from some previous incident. My friend, having type 1 diabetes herself, whispered, “Are you OK”? I assured her, in between the debate whether one should send “Merry Christmas” cards or “Season’s Greetings” cards, that I would be. 

When class ended we walked through the very large, very active church to take seats for the morning sermon in a very large hall. As soon as we sat down, P looked at her CGM and saw she was 70 mg/dl. She began beeping (well her CGM did) as I fished in my coat pocket to retrieve the half a trail bar I’d noticed was there while pulling out my peanut butter cookie dregs. 

We bickered for a few seconds whether she should eat my last batch of sustainable-carbs. I insisted. She did. And as 500 worshippers hushed as the minister strode to the podium, we did all we could to bury our bonded giggles over just another morning with diabetes. 

New study says our genes are not responsible for diabetes

Here’s a big new revelation: the cause of diabetes is not genetic. A new analysis, published by the public interest science organization, The Bioscience Resource Project, finds little evidence that inherited genes cause common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, autism, cancer, depression and dementia. Fuller story here.

The analysis includes more than 700 genetic studies conducted around the world, covering over 80 different diseases and concludes due to similar results that of the approximately 1,000 genes identified that confer susceptibility to disease, only a tiny handful are of even limited importance.

Geneticists also say the possible hiding places for disease genes to be located are in places distinct from where almost all other genetic information has so far been found. That makes these hiding places scientifically highly implausible. “A genetic basis for susceptibility to common diseases was only ever a hypothesis,” says Dr. Jonathan Latham, Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project. Of course I’m surprised having always heard genetics, along with lifestyle choices are the principle causes of diabetes.

Yet, it appears data around patterns of health and illness have always indicated that Western diseases are determined overwhelmingly by diet and other non-genetic factors. Similarly, data has shown that many diseases can be reversed or accelerated by diet and other lifestyle choices. So, researchers say, the crucial importance of the new genomic findings is that it shows that genetic research does not contradict these environmental explanations of disease. Rather, it strongly supports them.

The studies co-author, Dr. Allison Wilson, says it means that for most people personalized genomics is never going to be useful for predicting what diseases they will develop. The good news, Wilson also says is, “Our fate does not reside in disease genes. Our health is in our own hands.” 

For those who are thin and active and get type 2 diabetes it leaves me to wonder. For those who are overweight and sedentary it is good news – if you act on it.

The passing of Elizabeth Edwards

Screen Shot 2015-02-07 at 5.11.49 PMKeynote speaker at AADE, August 2008

I’ve been saddened by the passing of Elizabeth Edwards this week. Maybe it’s because I actually saw her just two years ago, she was the key speaker at the American Association of Diabetes Educator’s conference. 

Maybe it’s because she dealt with so much hardship and carried it all with such aplomb and peace, or so it looked to us.

I wrote a piece about my experience of her on the Huffington Post. Here’s the full story.  

TCOYD sets patients up for success

A1cs go from 12% down to 7%

I’m piggybacking today off of Amy Tenderich’s blog post over at DiabetesMine, Inside TCOYD’s Extreme Diabetes Makeover ‘Reality Series.’ The reason being I found watching this trailer of Taking Control of Your Diabetes’ extreme makeover program, extremely moving. 

It highlights some of what 7 patients discover getting control over their diabetes. On Amy’s blog you’ll find more about what the patients had to say and some advice for your own makeover from professionals like psychologist, Dr. William Polonsky.

While I have sculpted my routine to support my diabetes management, watching people at the beginning of their journey – maybe not at the beginning of their diagnosis, but the beginning of getting on track –  finding the strength within to do what’s necessary with the support of a professional diabetes team, and their patient-teammates, it touched my heart to see their success. I trust it will touch yours too and inspire you if you need to get on track. 

The full series of makeover episodes is on the TCOYD Extreme diabetes Makeover site. Take time while you’re there to also see if a TCOYD health day is coming to your local area next year.

(Double clicking on the video will let you see it larger on YouTube.) 

Life is the way we see it – and make it

imagesGinger Viera brightening a corner of the world

Funny that my last post said I was full of woe (well, that happens occasionally.) By the way, I am over it, and here it is another Wednesday, yet I feel on the mend and full of possibility.  I’d like to share a post with you I just read that captures that knowingness of possibility, and my own feelings most of the time. 

It’s written by my fellow diabetes blogger, Ginger Viera, “Contagious, Confidence, Endless Possibilities.”Ginger is a fellow type 1, a weight lifter, personal trainer and health coach. 

She writes honestly about the failings we all feel we have and the will and way not to let them foil us, but to find our strength to carry on and see the best for ourselves whether with diabetes, or just in our lives in general. 

An excerpt

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.” My twin brother, Pete, said this to me several months ago. I wrote it down on an index card and taped it to my bathroom mirror. Funny thing is, it’s never been other people telling me I can or cannot do something. The loudest voice I hear is my own.

When I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in the seventh grade over eleven years ago, the first list that ran through my head was the list of things I probably couldn’t do anymore. I couldn’t eat ice cream without first counting the grams of carbohydrates in the bowl and determining how much insulin I needed. I couldn’t play basketball anymore (at least, that’s what I thought). I couldn’t buy candy and popcorn with my friends when we go to the movies without feeling overwhelmingly guilty about eating such diabetic-off-limits food. The list of foods, activities, dreams and goals I thought were off-limits seemed endless.

With or without diabetes, we allow ourselves to fill our minds with everything we’re sure we cannot do, or cannot have, or cannot ever become. As I grew older, I realized how many things were still within my reach. I used to think I could never become much of an athlete, but today, I’m a health coach, personal trainer, yoga instructor and I’ve set 15 records in drug-tested powerlifting. Clearly, what I needed at my diagnosis, and simply as a young girl growing up in this society, was someone or something to help me learn that my dreams were all still possibilities.”

You’ll want to read the full article at the link above. Thanks Ginger.

Wednesday’s child is full of woe

DSC00099My parents, still a lot to be thankful for

I was born on a Wednesday and I hope it went better than today’s going. The weather’s pretty crummy and I seem to be under it. 

It’s storming outside, a grey and chilly prelude to winter and inside I woke up with a cold this morning and a sore throat. This just after thanking my lucky stars yesterday that I wasn’t sick because I’m taking off for Dallas tomorrow to spend time with a friend and see her environs for the first time. That includes meeting people and seeming perky.

Then on top of the cold and sore throat I managed to take a piece of my finger off yesterday shutting my tool box. Being a closet handygirl, obviously not so handy, I wrenched my finger out of the hard plastic tool box when it slammed on it, and managed to leave a bit there. The bleeding’s stopped, but I can barely bear to look at it under the band-aid. 

So heading to the airport tomorrow there’ll be slightly less of me (skin on finger) and slightly more of me (stuffed head). It’s times like these I think: Isn’t diabetes enough? And it’s times like this I try to tell myself, I still have so much to be thankful for – family, friends, work, home, hobbies (will have to rethink that one). 

After all, tomorrow will be Thursday and Thursday’s child has far to go which makes perfect sense since I’ll be going to Dallas and then it will be Friday and  Friday’s child is loving and giving. I think I’ll stop while I’m ahead.